Become a Certified Food Protection Manager in Illinois
Earn your Certified Food Protection Manager certificate from the comfort of home with our ANAB-accredited certification exam and state-approved training program. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, food establishments are required to be under the supervision of a certified food manager.
To earn your Illinois Food Manager Certification, you must complete at least eight hours of training and pass the Food Protection Manager Certification Exam.
The Food Protection Manager Certification Exam covers:
- How to prevent food contamination, including cross-contamination
- Food worker health and hygiene habits
- Tools, equipment and utensils used in food preparation
- Your responsibilities as a food manager
- Regulatory compliance and recordkeeping
- The role of facility design in food safety
Your certification exam must be monitored by a StateFoodSafety-approved proctor. For your convenience, we offer online and in-person proctoring. If you use an online proctor, you must have a webcam and meet certain criteria. View all exam procedures here for more information.
After completing your training and passing the certification exam, you can download and print a copy of your Illinois Food Manager Certification.

Food Service Sanitation Manager Training Overview
To comply with the Illinois Food Handling Regulation Enforcement Act, you must complete eight hours of training before taking the food manager exam. Our Illinois Food Service Sanitation Manager Training course fulfills this requirement and also includes a free course assessment that's designed to simulate the exam experience. You have unlimited attempts to take this practice test.
Course learning objectives include:
- Identify food safety risks and create policies to address them
- Train employees to follow food safety policies
- Take appropriate action when an employee has symptoms of foodborne illness or is diagnosed with a reportable disease
- Follow good personal hygiene and hand care practices
- Identify approved suppliers and methods for inspecting deliveries
- Identify cross-contamination risks and methods for prevention
- Implement effective cleaning and sanitizing procedures
- Identify appropriate pest prevention measures and signs of pest infestations
- Prevent bacterial growth in Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods during all stages of the flow of food
- Maintain facilities and equipment in compliance with regulations
Because all course content is completely online, you can learn from any device with an internet connection and start and stop as needed.